14-Day Quarantine Urged for GB Second Homeowners and Renters Coming from High Risk COVID-19 Regions

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The town is urging a 14-day self-quarantine for anyone from a high-risk COVID-19 region who is temporarily relocating to a Great Barrington second-home or short-term rental, in order to isolate from the virus.

"We​'​​re​ concerned for the health of all of our town residents, whether they live here full-time, on weekends or for the summer," said Town Manager Mark Pruhenski. "We also know this virus travels. To reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our town, we ask anyone relocating to Great Barrington to please observe a 14-day self quarantine period."

Pruhenski also encouraged anyone relocating here to visit the townofgb.org website to review town restrictions and policies regarding COVID-19.

"And please take advantage of the many restaurants ​​that are working hard to provide take-out and delivery services," he said. "​Our stores are open also, so if you are in your home for 14 days, you can still eat great food."