Housatonic Community Center, GBPD and Town Hall Targeted for Energy Efficiencies with State Grant

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A $163,725 state grant will fund energy improvements at the Housatonic Community Center, Town Hall and the Great Barrington Police Department.

The grant from Mass. Department of Energy Resources will pay for energy conservation measures in the three buildings, but most funds will be directed toward insulation and LED lighting improvements at the Housatonic Community Center, said Town Manager Mark Pruhenski.

The grant will also pay for LED lighting at Town Hall and the police station; the total projected savings from these three facility improvements is $25,000 annually.

“It’s been many years since there has been an investment in the Housie Dome,” said Pruhenski, “so this is a much-welcome infusion of efficiency funds.”

This was the town’s first competitive grant application under the state’s Green Communities Act and the town’s request was fully funded.

Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon said, “These new funds are a direct and positive result of the town’s Sustainability Committee, which is working to reduce our town’s environmental impact and energy costs.”

Bannon thanked his fellow Selectboard members and Public Works Superintendent Sean Vandeusen for their participation and support.

The town projects energy savings of $15,568 at the Housatonic Community Center, $5,687 at the police station, and $3,802 at Town Hall.