HWW Customers: Attend 9/26 DPU Hearing on ​Rate Hike Request

The town urges Housatonic Water Works (HWW) customers to attend the state Department of Public Utilities hearing on HWW’s 120% rate increase request, on Sept. 26, 7 p.m.

The DPU hearing will be held at Monument Mountain Regional High School.

Due to persistent water quality issues within the HWW system, the town has requested interven​er status for the rate case, in order to represent the interests of the town. The HWW is not a town-owned water system; it is a privately owned and operated utility.

If approved, the HWW rate increase would mean that the average HWW customer’s bill would rise from $746 to $1,641. HWW states that the increase is needed for a $4.5 million system improvement project, to improve water quality and fire protection. 

The DPU urges HWW customers and others to submit their comments in writing, via email,  to dpu.efiling@mass.gov, kevin.crane@mass.gov, and to HWW attorney William Martin, Esq., WEM@martinlawofficespc.com. Comments will be accepted through Sept. 27, 5 p.m. 

To review the DPU’s hearing notice, visit https://rb.gy/flm2f