Ramsdell Library Report: Presentation is Tuesday, Aug. 14 @ 6:30 p.m.


On Aug. 14 at 6:30 p.m., next door to Ramsdell Library at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, the Trustees of Great Barrington Libraries will host a presentation on a new vision for the Ramsdell Library in Housatonic.  

Rob Cullen, from the nationally recognized library consultanting firm Kimberly Bolan & Associates (KBA), will present the Ramsdell Report. This long awaited study includes results of a complete physical review of the building and a community survey, as well as recommendations for a facility plan and future vision for the library.

Working with staff, Trustees, and Friends of the Library, KBA’s community-driven approach provides a “big picture” framework for the Trustees and the Town of Gt. Barrington to consider including national trends, a phased approach, and financing. Their recommendation based on community response is that the library remain open, reconfigure its spaces to provide new and exciting services such as co-working space and a Library of Things (lending of popular tools and equipment), specialize programming and collections, and improve gathering spaces and most importantly accessibility for all.

"This is a unique opportunity to return Ramsdell Library to its rightful place as the vital hub of our community. We invite you to become part of this transformative process to revitalize Housatonic," said Patrick Hollenbeck, chair of the GB Library Trustees

The public is invited to learn more about what is possible for this historic building, programming and the community by attending this presentation, which is free and open to the public.  For more information, call (413) 528-2403.