Board of Health to Vote 10/7 on Banning Glyphosate Use on Town Property 


The Board of Health meets Thursday, Oct. 7 at 6:30 to act on a moratorium banning the town’s use of glyphosate, a pesticide ingredient recognized as a probable carcinogen to humans.
The public is invited to join the meeting via Zoom, to participate, ask questions and comment on the ban. The meeting link will be available  here at meeting time.
Glyphosate is an active ingredient in certain pesticides such as Roundup®. Successful lawsuits have been brought against Monsanto, which makes RoundUp, by people who have developed non-Hodgkins lymphoma after exposure to the chemical.
The board’s action also aligns with the 2016 Annual Town Meeting vote for a resolution that commits Great Barrington to being a pollinator-friendly town, to protect food and ecological systems. 
Also now under way, in keeping with this resolution, is the installation of pollinator-friendly flower beds in downtown Great Barrington.
The moratorium bans the town’s use of glyphosate on town-owned property, by town employees, volunteers or outside contractors.
Cities and towns around the state are banning their own use of the pesticide. However, state law prevents the town from regulating or banning how pesticides are used on private property.
“This is an important step in our commitment to protecting our community from cancer-causing agents, and to supporting our pollinator-friendly efforts throughout town,” said Rebecca Jurczyk, the town’s health agent.