Planning Department

The Planning Department provides support to all staff and all Boards and Commissions on planning, zoning, and development matters, particularly to the Planning Board. The Department also provides guidance and staff support to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Community Preservation Committee, Lake Mansfield Improvement Task Force, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and other boards as needed.

The Department provides support to homeowners and businesses in need of planning and regulatory assistance; the department also promotes regular planning and development discussion amongst staff via the Development Review Team (DRT).  Our department coordinates and streamlines special permits, provides guidance to applicants and Boards and coordinates special permits and site plan reviews.

The office cooperates with regional and state partners, such as Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and Massachusetts Planners on projects of regional interest and seeking innovative and efficient planning techniques.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Christopher Rembold Assistant Town Manager & Director of Planning and Development